Login Guide Tutorial

For United Airlines (UAL) staff, understanding air travel is a part of learning FlyingTogether UAL. This secure internet platform acts as a control center enabling employees to access various work-related resources, streamlined communication channels, and a central point for staying connected conveniently through an online interface.

FlyingTogether UAL - Logo

This comprehensive guide will equip you with everything you need to know about FlyingTogether UAL Login and beyond, whether you’re a seasoned professional at UAL or a new hire eager to understand how things work at an airline.

By following this guide, you can guarantee your confidence soars as flying together will unlock awesome features.

FlyingTogether UAL Portal Guide

FlyingTogether UAL Portal Guide

Before embarking on your FlyingTogether UAL journey, create your account. Here’s the simple registration process:

  1. Find New User Registration: Normally, there is a link labelled “new user registration” or something similar on the homepage of FlyingTogether UAL. Clicking on it initiates the process of creating an account.
  2. Prepare Your Information: Usually required by the sign-up sheet are basics such as full name, UID (UAL Employee ID), and company email address associated with employment that is valid primarily for connection details between employees. Take care in keying in all information provided to ensure they are correct and current.
  3. Craft a Strong Password: This is crucial! Ensure that your password is both secure and memorable throughout this process. Some tips may help when creating one:
    • Mix it Up: Use both upper-case and lower-case letters along with numbers and symbols; avoid using easy guesses like birthdays or pets’ names.
    • Embrace Length: Generally speaking, longer passwords are more secure. At least 12 characters will suffice.
    • Uniqueness Matters: Do not use the same password over multiple accounts. Think about using a password manager that creates and stores strong, unique passwords for all your online accounts.
  4. Review and Submit: After filling out the registration form, double-check everything to make sure it is correct before clicking on “Submit” at the end of the form to complete account creation.
  5. Activate Your Account (if required): You may get an activation email with a link to verify your new account too. Read through the instructions given in this email to activate your account and unleash FlyingTogether UAL.

How to Access Your FlyingTogether UAL Account?

Now your account is set up, and ready for virtual takeoff! Here’s how you can login into FlyingTogether UAL:

  1. Open Web Browser: On your desktop computer, laptop or mobile device start up your preferred web browser.
  2. Find Login Page: Type https://ft.ual.com/ into the address bar or visit United Airlines’ official website and look for FlyingTogether UAL.
  3. Enter Your Credentials: At the login page, you will be asked to type in either your username or UAL Employee ID (UID) together with a password for upper and lower case characters if needed so correctly input those details properly as well as remember them properly as well as have them handy when needed for the latter case.
  4. Select Language (Optional): A language preference option might be available on the login page
  5. Click “Login”: After you have entered the information required and chosen your language (if applicable), just click on the “Login” tag because you will be taken to the homepage of FlyingTogether UAL.


This is an effective tool that facilitates the work of United Airlines employees called FlyingTogether UAL. If you know how login works, what features and options the portal has, as well as being aware of account protection then:

  • Streamline Work Processes: Essential sources of information can be accessed; tasks managed; and colleagues engaged – all within one platform integrated throughout all functions.
  • Boost Communication and Collaboration: Leverage internal communication features to stay informed and collaborate effectively with your team members.
  • Enhance Professional Development: Take advantage of training opportunities provided by FlyingTogether UAL
  • Maintain Work-Life Balance: Efficiently access and manage your work schedule

Remember also that FlyingTogether UAL is a dynamic platform where users’ needs continue to change. Stay updated with any changes or new functionalities announced through official UAL communication channels.

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A Letter from Ava Taylor

Greetings, I'm Ava Taylor, your reliable companion at Flying Together. With a background in aviation and a passion for crew support, I'm committed to ensuring your experience with Flying Together is smooth and enjoyable.

Whether you're a crew member accessing flight schedules or an employee exploring travel benefits, count on me to provide the guidance you need. From booking travel to connecting with your airline community, I'm dedicated to helping you thrive in your aviation journey.

Thank you for choosing Flying Together, and I'm excited to assist you in navigating the skies with confidence and camaraderie.

Warm regards,
Ava Taylor